Wednesday, August 27, 2014

catch up

It has been a while since I've written actual content for this blog. Partly that is because I wanted to take a departure from my last blog and make it less of a diary narrative and partly because I just haven't been able to wrap my head around what it is I want the persona of this blog to be. I've never blogged with an audience in mind before but with this project I felt an unnamed pressure. Then I realized the reason I loved blogging is because I did it for myself. So I'm back! Writing has been sorely missing in my life and I need to claim it back!

So in that spirit:


2013-2014 has been a generally insane year for me. I planned a giant ass, 300 person / 4 day wedding, put a ring on Mr. Ñ, and moved to Oakland three days later. A month later, I travelled with my family to London and with Ric to Berlin, came home and landed an awesome job in San Francisco. Since last October the adventure has just kept on... keptin..on....?

Anyway, here is a brief recap of our year here so far:

Once upon a time... we moved to Oakland.

Let me tell you a little something about our neighborhood. We're two blocks away from Lake Merritt, the riviera of Oakland and the hunting grounds of human-eating geese (ok, the second part is a lie).

We've also had tons of friends and family visit and have celebrated tons of holidays!
At Monan's Rill (aka hippie commune) with Katie.

That one time all the San Francisco kids came to the lake.

 See above.

Alec, Mel and us at the lake.
Joaquin came to visit.

 Pacifica sunset... so beautiful.

Easter with the Wolfpack in Pacifica.

Did I mention Pacifica is beautiful?

Did I also mention that Elyse lived across the lake from us this year?

 Elyse hosted Passover. Afikomen!

I flew Venika up to celebrate her 16th birthday! What a lady.

 Obligatory Jumping Picture!

We went to many Oakland Athletics games...

I started to explore the Bay Area a bit more...

 Big Sur with Claire and Val.

Russian River

Ric relaxing at the riv.

River Selfie.

Tomales Bay.

 We went to Long Beach a bunch... but not as much as we would like. I miss it like woah.

Epiphany at the Nunez house.

Bianca keeeses.

Bianca and Tio Ric.

Amy's shower! Ok, technically this is in Paso Robles, but still, it's south.

Newest addition to Schorrville: Julian Reyes!

And I work with some awesome folks.

Moving Day.

 Working in my boss' kid's teepee. What?

So all in all, it's been a great year in Oakland and we are ready for the next adventure. Stay tuned!

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